Leveraging Energy Transition and Sustainable Energy

    Dr Shamshad Akhtar

While there is a growing momentum at the global level for the implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its associated goals, significance of the seventh goals focused on “ensuring access to affordable, reliable and modern energy to all” is critical to recognize given energy’s centrality to security and development Security and sustainable development are both interlinked and reinforced by enhanced accessibility, affordability and sustainability of energy supplies. In case of Pakistan, China Pakistan Economic Cooperation (CPEC) has provided a temporary relief and solution to the most acute problem of the country i.e. energy shortage which had crippled almost all segments of the economy and society. CPEC has undoubtedly helped Pakistan improve the accessibility of energy, yet the affordability and sustainability remains unsolved in absence of fundamental much needed energy sector reforms. Based on identification of trends and factors influencing the accessibility, affordability and sustainability of energy, three key recommendations have been made herein: regional cooperation, inclusive and diversification of energy mix, and minimizing financial risks through improved regulation..